In toate povestile lumii exista un port. Exista dorinta de a intelege mersul lucrurilor si al lumii; nevoia lui, a ei, de a ajunge in locul in care iti recastigi increderea: in cele ce ai crezut, in planurile facute dinainte de a purcede la drum, in cei ce te-au ajutat pe parcurs.
Altfel nici o calatorie nu-si mai afla sensul. Doar cei impliniti stiu ca frumusetea e la capatul drumului, acolo unde toate curg, asa cum ai visat.
Ca au parfumul primelor vele ridicate in vant, ca sunt la adapostul vaselor de croaziera, toate drumurile duc intr-un port pe pamant. Odata ajuns aici n-ai decat sa te gandesti la toate cate urmeaza:
cate au mai ramas de vazut, cate tarmuri de atins, cate cufere pline te asteapta in insulele lumii. De aici se aude marea doar daca stai sa asculti.
All the stories in the world have a harbour. It is the desire to understand the things, the whole world; one`s need to reach the place where you can regain your trust in the things that you believed in, in the plans made before you started the journey, in those who helped you on the way. Otherwise, the journeys would have no meaning. Only the fulfilled ones know that the beauty is at the end of the journey, there, where everything happens as you imagined. Either they have the scent of the first veils rose in the wind or they are sheltered by the cruise yachts, all the journeys lead to a harbour. Once here, all one has to do is to think of all that follows: how many things remained to be seen, how many lands remained to be reached, how many filled chests await you in the islands of the world. You can hear the sea here only if you really listen.
Restaurant The Harbour are o capacitate de 150 de locuri ceea ce ii permite
Organizare de petreceri private sau organizare de evenimente speciale pentru dumneavoastra!
Orar L-S : 11.30-01.00 ; D :13.00-24.00
Carti de credit Visa, Mastercard, American Express
Telefon 021-319 72 57 ; 021-319 72 92
Mobil 0724 388 686
Adresa: Strada Piata Amzei, Nr. 10-22, Sector 1 ( Vis-a-vis de Teatrul Ion Creanga)
miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009
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